Bali is the home for unique culture and tradition.
Bali is the home for unique culture and tradition, where here the most magnificent culture and tradition are born and keeping well. Balinese people are very creative person in every thing in their daily life activities. The people know with their talent in art like painting, sculpture, gambelan Instrument, drama, kakawin, dances wayang, and many other that if we explained that lot of thing that we can find about the art in Bali.
Dances are one of them where in Bali there are lots of dances which we can find. Basically dance is created by people who inspirited to the nature and legend of god where their implemented in the form of dance, but some of the sacral dance is created automatically came when they doing the tradition ceremonial like upakara and spontaneity having a trances and dance followed the Gambelan instrumental. Balinese dances can divide in two kind the first one is the dance which including to the sacral dance where this dances are only performance and has religious connection to traditional ceremonial day like in a temple, and the second one is the Wali Dances where this dance is including to the entertainment performance dance which the function to entertainment.
Legong dance.
Legong dance is one of Wali dance which function to performance entertainment, historically this dance is develop in Keraton-keraton in Bali at 19 century the idea of this dance is starting when a prince from Sukawati ubud (gianyar regency) that had the illness hard dream and see two beautiful girls dancing with the graceful accompanied by the beautiful Gambelan. When the prince recovered from the illness, the dreams that he had are set in the repertory dance complete with the gamelan. The legong dance basically is a dance which has complicate structure in body, eyes movement. Legong came from the word “leg” which means the complicate movement from body, foot, hand and eyes. And gong means gambelan so legong is a dance in complicate movement body from the dancer which followed with the instrumental Gambelan which calls Gambelan Semar Pegulingan. At the beginning this dance are dancing with two girl which is had not menstruation yet, virgin and dancing in the yard of Keraton down in the moon light and bring out Kipas (fan) and in the development it had a additional dance which call condong the other structure of this dance are papeson, pangawak, pengecet, dan pakaad.
In beginning of 20 century this dance had lost it popularity because there is new dance creation which made. So there is some effort done to awakenings this dance for the example dug all the ancient documents which typing about the Legong dance, find senior Legong dancer to learn and practice, doing performance in important places such as art center, hotels, villas and even thought to all over the globe word so this dance knowing and survival. Our company offering you some luxary villas and boutiqe hotel for a place while staying in Bali and having long holiday and enjoyed all the Balinese dances including the Legong dance.

Kinds of legong dance.
There are many kind of legong dance which these dance take some theme which presented in dance here some kind of legong dance:
• Legong Lasem (Kraton)
• Legong Jobog
• Legong Legod Bawa
• Legong Kuntul
• Legong Smaradahana
• Legong Sudarsana
Each of those dance are has the own characteristic like legong lasem it tell about the stories from prabu lasem which kidnap the princess from Daha, legong jobog it tell about the stories from Sugriwa and Subali from Ramayana epos, Legong legod bawa it tell about the stories from competition Dewa Dewa Brahma and Vishnu when searching for the secret commemorative Dewa Syiwa, Legong Kuntul narrate a pair of heron, which occupied sociality, and Legong Sudarsana tok the stories about Calonarang.
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