Balinese Castes
The Balinese Hindu religion regards a traditional caste system though it has never been as divisive as its Indian ascendent. This is for the most part due to the fact that over 90% of Balinese consist of to the lowest 'Sudra' caste, and in India would have been seen as 'untouchable'. Given their dominance such mental attitudes in Bali would not be realistic. Nevertheless, inter-marriage remains uncommon and discouraged.
The three upper castes are collectively recognized as the 'Triwangsa' ('three peoples') comprising Brahmana, Kesayatria and Wesia. Caste is determined by birth but is rarely reflected in a person's occupation, although only a Brahmana can be suited to be a Pedanda high priest, and only Brahmana may take the task of recreating masks from the 'Barong' dance as they harbour the force to protect themselves from the evil spirits.
Balinese Names
Upon learning a Balinese friends name, you can lay down some elements of his or her background. First Of All, the name will often point to the cast to which they originate from. For example, if you meet someone named Ida Bagus, you discern they belong to the highest Brahmana caste or, if they are called Gusti, they will almost certainly belong to the Wesia caste. The Balinese also distinguish their children in order of birth. Together with a personal name, unique in the family, a Balinese child will be awarded a more common name. The firstborn is often Wayan or Putu while the second born in general carries the name of Made or Kadek. The third child usually is Nyoman or Komang and the fourth is always Ketut; with the birth of a fifth child, the naming cycle begins again.
The Balinese dote on their children, a devotion that no doubt contributes to the calm and relaxed demeanour of the island's population. At birth the baby's umbilical cord is buried with oblations to protect them throughout their lives. Until the child reaches three months of age, they are permanently carried as it is viewed to be unclean and disrespectful if they should touch the ground before that age. Balinese children are discouraged from crawling, believed to be only the actions of an animal, and learn to walk at a very young age. Upon reaching 105 days, the baby will be adorned with bracelets and anklets. A further 105 days later, a ceremony is held to signify their entry into adulthood. The passage through puberty is celebrated with a tooth filing ceremony, aimed to flatten any pointed teeth that may represent evil and designed to restrict sinful emotions and actions such as greed, anger, jealousy, stupidity, and adultery.
The Ceremonies.
Bali is a predominantly Hindu Island, living on in an Islamic nation. Minority populations of Muslims, Christians and Buddhists are also found on the island.
Little is known of the foundation of Hinduism in Bali though it doubtlessly involved the Indian traders who came to these parts for the spice trade over two thousand years ago. Given its physical isolation from the ancestral religion, Balinese Hinduism has since developed into a unique version of the ancient faith. Although the fundamental principle remain the same, many of the gods worshiped on Bali are unknown in India and vice versa. Vast Hindu kingdoms were also found in neighbouring islands but they disappeared soon after the Arabs became interested in the archipelago, bringing with them Islam to Indonesia's shores. Bali held little interest for the Arab traders so it was for the most part left alone. Throughout Indonesia, traditional beliefs in mysticism and the spiritual world remain strong, despite the common practice of imported faiths that forbid such strong beliefs.
While the impact this has had on the Islamic faith is often controversial, for the Balinese, the two have simply blend to create the distinctive religion they follow today.
to be continued.....
By: Dave Waldheim
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